Saturday, June 4, 2011

Twas the night before a Saturday

Twas the night before a Saturday, with not much to do the next day; Not a creature was stirring, for the exception of a Cal, and his parents K & J. 
The Cal dodged and he scurried, sneaking snacks and running toys; He played games like destroy the Legos, and mimicked monsters eating boys. 
The Cal ran to his dad, his late night pull-up getting full; He was ready for a changing, and bedtime made its last call. 
J walked to the shelves, but there was not a pull-up in sight; Dare he go to Safeway, this late at night.     
The Cal had done it with a pull-up, without wetting at all; Dare he risk this with underwear, for the final hoorah! 
With a unilateral decision, J answered this riddle with some pause; Cal would sleep in the middle, sans pull-up and underwear with a cause. 
J checked for puddles on the hour, as the hours flew by; Not a wet spot was to be found, as dawn drew nigh.
Hooray, shouted K, and jumped at J; Hooray shouted J, and Cal was pleased. 
That’s right, he did it.  And in light of Cal’s accomplishment of holding it through the night without dousing us before breakfast, I….’composed’ this little ‘poem’ to celebrate his staying dry.  While he’s been using the big boy potty since the beginning of the year, the little guy has still been required to wear up pull-up to bed to prevent him from dampening our sheets.  Now I just need to figure out where I’m going to spend the $80 a month we’ve been spending on pull-ups…

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