After attempting to analyze my lens, figure out what the heck a lens is and fruitlessly trying to decide what I'm going to write about, I've discovered that the present and most fulfilling and self-defining moments in my life are shared with my two-year old son, Callaghan; or as we like to call him, Cal.
When I'm not floundering to complete a deadline at the office or pretending to act in resemblance and likeness of a displaced student, I'm more than likely hanging out with the little guy. Outside of the fact that he's really not so little, our weekly hanging out and going-ons range from packing lunches and pre-school drop-offs to architectural exploring through Lego block building and park ventures where rocks and sticks are procured and later stored away eclectically at home.
He’s smart, outgoing, resembles a young Irish child with his red hair and pale skin and he loves to play jokes on his mommy. Even at two he has more personality than many adults I know. I would like to dedicate this blog to my son, Cal: a dream quarterback, soccer all-star, tee-ball smasher, eclectic archeologist and an overall amazing little-‘big boy’. One day, when time has left me haggard at 40, I imagine sharing the stories of our adventures from this blog with my him.